Wednesday, May 25, 2016

My Weight loss Journey

Is it just me or is everyone trying to be fit and toned nowadays more than ever?! Yes! I too have been on this trend. I have always been on and off diet fads and I was never able to maintain my weight until a year before I got pregnant.  Go figure, huh.  Just when I thought I was at my goal, I put it all back on plus more!!.... Normally if I put on weight I would be so upset with myself but I'm totally not upset or complaining because I gained weight for my beautiful healthy baby girl.  She has made my life complete and for that I am grateful. After all I can lose the weight overtime. 

On my weight loss journey before I got pregnant: Lost 20 lbs 

During my pregnancy: Gained 45 lbs 

I lost 25 lbs in the first two weeks after giving birth.  All of it being the water weight from me being so extremely swollen towards the end of my pregnancy. I still have about 20 more pounds to lose to get to my pre-pregnancy weight.  I started to workout and have continued my healthy lifestyle to get back to my old weight, but I have to be realistic and know that it WILL NOT happen over night.  I know I can not be too hard on myself because I did not gain weight for no reason. It took me nine months to put it on for my baby and it will take a few months to get back to it.  I also have to keep in mind that I have to maintain healthy and account for approximately 400-500 calories more a day because I am still nursing (and plan to do it for at least a year). So, if you are a new mommy like me or just had another baby, then just take it slow and have patience with your weight loss journey. My journey is just beginning and I will be updating you guys just to show you that with time and dedication you can reach your goals.

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